03 February 2007

My Extension in Afghanistan

On January 20, 2007 my platoon was scheduled to fly from our For here at Mehtar Lam to FOB Sherona so that we could do all things necessary for us to fly out of this country. They showed up without enough helicopter space to fit us all in so I instead flew to Bagram Air Field with ten other guys from my platoon. We stayed the night. The next day we flew back to Mehtar Lam to pick up the rest of the platoon and then continued on to Sherona. We turned in our ammo and armor plates and proceeded to wait for our flight to Kuwait. Instead we flew to Bagram Air Field to wait for a flight to Kuwait. ON the 25th of January, the day we were supposed to fly out, we got the news that we were being extended for AT LEAST four more months. Four days later we flew from Bagram to Sherona picked up our ammo and our plates and two days ago we flew from Sherona to Mehtar Lam which is when things finally set in for me that I won't be coming back to the states.

I guess in order for me to see how much I really was looking forward to coming back, I needed to have it stripped away from me all of a sudden. Even with very little to look forward to back in the states, I would much rather be there than here. So if/when I come back, what I look forward to is seeing all of you.


Anonymous said...

I'm on my way to Mehtar Lam. Maybe we can talk over email and you could get a better idea of when we're headed that way, etc. Let me know. ja3021@gmail.com

rustafarian said...

hey josh, you might remember me, you might not. but thanks for serving our country, for putting up with a last minute extension with virtue and grace, and for having honor and virtue in your writings and actions. i might not have the same attitude in the current situation. i wish you a safe and soon return, and blessings a million-fold over. you are appreciated.

peace and love.